It is all about how YOU handle YOUR Data (போட்டு பாக்குறது)
When I request you to lift your finger, and let us say that you oblige to act. Only by understanding what I had requested, you carry the action of lifting the finger. Between the request and the action there is a whole lot of process such as comprehending my request, intention behind my request, supplying the energy, blood, firing the correct nerves to pull the muscles. All these underlying process happens swiftly and seamlessly when you understand that it is OK to obey my request.
Understanding others or our own self is essentially the ability to feel or being sympathetic, or being aware or comprehending feelings of us, others and the environment we are in. Also understanding would imply being aware of the intention behind actions and coming to a conclusion. Understanding is the key for all our day to day decisions and activities. Understanding how UNDERSTANDING works would open a world that we had never seen before.
All the definitions of understanding points to few keywords: Awareness, Intention, feelings, tolerance, comprehension. For the sake of simplicity, we could group all the keywords to AWARENESS and DATA. Awareness is the sensor, and the data is the object sensed by the sensor. When we say we understand, we are just aware that there is DATA. When there are more set of DATA, understanding implies to being aware of all data and their relation, connections, link between the DATA sets. For example, all animals that gives milk to their offspring are understood as mammals.
When we say we understand something, we assign a value to that something. For each relation and connection we assign a value. It is essentially linking one DATA with another. In a way, fetching and linking DATA are the basic functional components of ‘UNDERSTANDING’.
UNDERSTANDING a person, or a mathematical concept, appear to be a complex process with different clusters of abstracted data as sub concepts and their relations and hierarchies. Beauty of the internal mechanism of UNDERSTANDING reveals on its own just like when we taste a good layered gourmet dish. The flavors, color, taste, texture and nutrients reveal as layers in each bite on its own ONLY when we are aware of the fundamentals.
The functional components of UNDERSTANDING through which DATA is fetched and linked can be assigned as Feeling, Thinking and Thoughts.
Feeling — sensing the data that has got into the system. ( Sensing the touch of shirt on you, warmth of the place you are, remembering the pickle you had tasted long back— data is already there in you, just being aware of it.)
Thinking — through which data is linked. ( If I wear this dress, I will be attractive)
Thoughts — where the data got linked automatically. (Fear or excitement when we see a snake)
The most important point in UNDERSTANDING is that the DATA is already in the system, and we are just aware of it and associating it. We do not create DATA. We are only aware of the DATA after it got created. Under no circumstances we should be in the impression that we had created DATA. In the case of LINKS, either the link gets created automatically or we do the linking in the name of desire.
Just like we light a torch and get the information, we throw DATA on to others, by yelling at them, feeding with good food, we get new set of DATA as response. No artist can say for sure what the final outcome would be. An artist would be a spectator for his own art as the creation happens. As the brush traverse the canvas, new ideas spring up on its own and the artist just links them up. The links are his desires. Once the links are made the energy just flows through these links. Depending on the intensity of the flow, the rush of the energy breaks the boundaries and new links are created and we interpret them as out of the box solutions. When someone one smiles at us, the excitement that generates is direct result of the number of links that are generated around how great we are. We make those links as though we found out a missing piece of puzzle about ourselves. Through those smiles we infer ourselves and they are mirror to our healthy social life.
Careful observation would reveal the greatest secret of all, the mother of all secrets, which is nothing but, ‘I am’ is itself DATA just like any other DATA, and got created just like any other DATA on its own. A DATA can never be a owner of another DATA. Sound that came out of harmonium cannot be owner of the harmonium. A pebble cannot claim that it was created by itself. A grass grown in a mountain cannot try to move the mountain.
Data trying to own another data is an illusion. Mirage and movies — motion pictures are optical illusions. There is Cognitive Illusion which is slightly different from optical illusion. When a dog ferociously approach us creates fear in us. When the dog crosses us chasing another dog, we realize our assumption and come out of the illusion and fear. Data can never be a owner of another DATA. This cognitive illusion is healthy to play with as long as we are aware of its usefulness. But it is quite dangerous when we are unaware of it and sucked within the illusion just like Sita went after golden deer in Ramayana. Caste and class systems, slavery or controling in the name of love and religion, BDSM activities are all stem from misunderstanding or manipulation of cognitive illusions. You are DATA. No DATA can be supreme, divine or inferior to any other DATA.
Creating and Deleting DATA is beyond our scope of our intelligence. When we see a snake, the fear comes on its own. When we realize it is a toy, the fear disappears on its own. It is like water moving from liquid to vapor state on certain conditions. The basic water elements remains the same but the way bond with each other undergoes changes. Same way when we understand, we make changes to DATA the way they are linked. Everything is in its place for a given condition, some reveals on certain condition and some remains unrevealed to our awareness apparatus. Nothing is created or deleted. Just like the Sudoku, we need to view the world and DATA with right understanding to see the hidden number in the grid.
Being aware and linking DATA is understanding. All we could do is to associate one DATA with another DATA. When we say the car is is mine, this is my body, my son, I am feeling bad, we are just associating. The best part is understanding the UNDERSTANDING, which is what we are engaged now in reading so far. When we are aware of our own understanding and the mistakes we make, the automatic linking that was happening in the thought process begins to give up unnecessary linking and move towards what we understood as right. The teacher once we were afraid in our child hood , is no longer the same. When we read the joke again it wont invoke same intensity when we read it the second time. Once we understand the block in our path we move towards alternative path. It is our wrong understanding that happiness can be created, is making us to suffer. With right understanding we could ride the wave of happiness and sadness by linking the DATA towards the completion of the work that we undertook. It is the right understanding that we are same as others would let us navigate the life without much damage by making the right links and choices of DATA available.
When we understand something, the data pass through filter or a prism of sorts and undergoes some sort of discoloration or refraction. The discoloration or the refractive index reduces only when the more number of links around the data, where the energy flows through freely. Love and anger is nothing but flow of energy to hug or hit some one. Once the pathway for the energy flow is cleared action gets better and better. We get excitement when we see things in 4k quality images. It is essentially more data is available for us to play with and deeply buried links are reconnected. When the see dripping chocolate or any food, the color, its shape, texture, movement triggers whole lot of childhood passions.
Understanding a person would become a simpler process if we view through a prism of yet another understanding of how a person could feel, think and get the thoughts. Some could feel better, some could think better, for some the thoughts come better. The percentage variations in each of these components forms personality of a person. Any action that is carried out will give a clue on how well the person had felt and thought through the problem and the solution.
To be completed…