Life is finding a relief from pain.
Pain is the only real thing. Pain reminds us we are not in delusion. Pain makes us grounded. Pain keeps us in the edge. Pain lets us know that we are alive. Pain gives us the focus. Pain gives raise to awareness.
Awareness is gathering intelligence by knowing or collecting data. Intelligence about the location of the pain, extent of the pain, cause of the pain, implications of the pain and solution for the pain.
Pain is the higher octave of sensations. Pain has shades of varied intensity. Shades of pain gives raise to awareness of finer intelligence such as who caused the pain and to whom the pain is caused. Pain gives the awareness of the experience and the “experiencer” at the same time.
Self awareness is a subtle form of pain we experience from various sources such as touch of wind. On certain circumstances, a slap would give raise to the same self awareness.
Relief from pain is happiness. Happiness cannot hang in the thin air to grab and enjoy. If pain is the crest, happiness is the trough. Pain makes us alive and to move towards happiness. Pain lets us to collect enough data to predict pain and avoid pain. Fear is a byproduct of pain anticipation. All emotions are energy that raises to handle in anticipation to the future pain.
There is a good pain and bad pain. The endurance, tolerance and empathy to pain makes us human and to enjoy life as social animals by playing shades of pain such as jealous, greed and anger. We play extreme games like building monuments and institutions, giving birth to children and nurturing, mountain climbing, long distance running to accentuate pain to push endurance and understand our tolerance to explore the possible ways to live comfortably by extending our circle of competence.
Sex is a form of game play, giving and receiving pain for each other. It is a struggle to give and receive a precious life intelligence — gene, penetrating deep into our physical and emotional barriers. The rubbing, thrusting and resistance build up the pain. Release of the buildup is the climax. The relief of climax gives extraordinary shades of pleasures.
Difference between a mad person and normal person is the ability to play drama of receiving and giving pain within the consented limits.
The pain that gave the self awareness, when the intensity goes to extreme levels, numbness sets in, intelligence is withdrawn and we delude till the time pain recedes or till the time the system disintegrates.
Resistance to flow of energy is pain. Blocking the flow to build up the momentum to use it for a purpose is the game. If the built up momentum goes out of control in the name of ignorance, greed, jealousy the energy flows in the reverse direction cause self destruction. Regulating energy flow with pain as indicator calls for well developed intelligence about the flow.