Counter thoughts that resist the flow.
In any stream of water, the flow is never smooth throughout. The water flows rough and smooth patches at different places. At certain places the water appears to flow in the reverse direction due to some kind of resistance beneath the surface.
This is true for any kind of flow. Thought-flow too, encounter such resistance in its path. In the mind, thoughts flow on the bed-rock of understanding and knowledge.
We carry out all our habits, fairly mechanically, out of understanding. The way we walk, way we write our signatures, way we scratch our head, has a predetermined pattern or decisions put in place for clear execution without much thinking and analyzing. Those patterns are formed out of our understanding at our early learning stages and got sediment-ed over the years of our growth and crystallized out of repeated actions.
Under certain circumstances when we do any actions,that are outside our regular habits, like walking backwards, we face stiff resistance and uneasiness in carrying out the new task. The uneasiness is felt in the form of confusing thoughts and self doubts.
Conflicting or counter thoughts arises due to stumbling blocks of previously held understanding. These conflicting thoughts gives confusing signals to pull right muscles to carry the action. The previously formed bed-rock of understanding itself blocking the path way for the energy to flow in new ways.
The counter thoughts out of the resistance is what we interpret as various emotions like sadness, incapability, guilt which results further in anxiety worries and fear that goes in a cascade.
Interestingly the intensity and the force of the water flow shapes the stumbling rocks beneath over the period of time. In the same way the flow of thoughts itself make way for new understanding to flow free of worries and guilt.
By understanding the nature of the thoughts and counter thoughts if we let the thoughts to flow freely, the flow itself shapes up the understanding to flow better and see clearly the world without much of worries.