Hello Mental HealthCare !

Why aren’t you talking about mind?

Karthik V
3 min readFeb 13, 2024

The Problem

In any hospital, after treatment, patients are sent back to the society hoping that they don’t encounter similar situation that caused the illness.

  • Patients are hardly encouraged to get insight about the source of their illness.

In the case of psychosis patients, the tool they carry with them causes the damage and yet they are unaware. It is like sending a child to playground with knife.

Source of the Problem

Psychosis is about reality distortion or disassociation. Not many of us wonder what really the reality is. We often take the definition for granted.

When we go through a trauma or emotional breakdown, we often resort to calming the mind or silence the thoughts as a short cut to solve the problem.

We firmly believe that we could control the mind and the thoughts.

When disturbing thoughts occur, we assume that we are the owner of the thoughts and we are responsible for the bad thoughts. We further conclude that we are not good enough to get good thoughts. This leads us to a downward spiral effect on our self-esteem.

The real reality disconnection is that we feel defeated when more and more thoughts surface up when we try to control the mind harder. We feel incapable and suspect our ability to control the mind, instead of understanding the nature of mind.

The Solution

We need to educate the health workers and patients about the mind and how we unknowingly struggle with the mind.

  • Thoughts are involuntary process.
  • Thoughts come on its own without our effort.
  • We are not owners of the thoughts and responsible for them until we act on them.
  • Thinking is a voluntary process with limitations.
  • The disconnection to the reality happens when we use thinking to control the thought generation. That is impossible and not true.

How does the Solution Work?

By observing the thoughts that are coming on their own, without our effort,

  • we will not feel guilty for the bad thoughts.
  • we learn how to use thoughts that comes freely.
  • We begin to realise the limitations of thinking.
  • We realise worrying about thoughts and mind is the root cause for all our mental illness.

With the above affirmations over the period of time, we no longer struggle with our mind. We begin to use mind as a tool like a hand or leg for our practical daily purpose.

Instead of disassociating from reality, the understanding about mind helps us to disassociate ourselves from the mind.

Let the mind operate independently in the background.



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