What is VALUE?

Drama is what you pay, value is what you get

Karthik V
3 min readNov 12, 2023

What is a ‘value’? My simplest definition is anything that which can be played with, holds a value within.

The value of anything is always hidden. All things, places, and people have inherent value. In order to discover the hidden value, a certain amount of drama is needed. In a way, a story or a narrative around anything makes it more valuable.

Hoarding or locking appears to increase the value, but in the long run, unless the object is played with, loses its value.

The process of ejaculation explains very well how the drama plays a role in unlocking the value. However, I would like to narrate two instances that deserve attention.

Hide & Seek game of a bipolar mind

I happened to observe an old lady, collecting stones and meticulously stacking them in front of her house. No doubt that stone is very commonly found on the streets and the old lady is suffering from depression. She was stacking the stones, as though she was a poet rearranging the words, or like a musician rearranging the sounds. I could only feel that she was mimicking the role of an artist who was attempting to bring out the order or truth from the chaos. Often in old age, unable to come to terms with inabilities, we continue to do certain things that make us feel valuable. Like the old lady, we all collected books, medals, degrees, stocks, and pieces of jewelry in our heyday to add more value to ourselves.


The epicenter of all spiritual and self-inquiry is to find the answer to the question ‘Who am I?’. I would rather attempt to do an inquiry on the value first. How do I value myself?

The nature of the mind is to give thoughts on its own. Thoughts for a situation come out of the memory of past experiences and learnings combined on their own. We can use thinking to rearrange our thoughts. Our productivity is measured by our ability to use these thoughts for our daily tasks.

As mentioned earlier, the value of an object is best discovered by knowing how well the object is employed in various games. In this context, our value is defined by how useful we deliver our tasks in our society. Unfortunately, we foolishly attempt to hoard the thoughts of pride and pleasures to retain our value.

The answer to ‘Who Am I’ is, that we exist only as a value in the mind and value comes only by playing drama with the thoughts to solve daily life problems.



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